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» btCrawler v1.0.3

Rating: 5/5
Summary: btCrawler is a simple bluetooth scanner for Windows Mobile based devices. It scans for other visible devices in range and can perform a service query. You can also query for services of your own device and do some selfdiagnostic stuff. In the device list: COD means "Class of Device" (see bluetooth s...

- MS Bluetooth Stack (WIDCOMM / Broadcom ist NOT supported)
- Works on: Windows Mobile 5, PPC2003, PPC2003SE, Smartphone 2003, Smartphone 2003SE and Smartphone with WM5

Arrived: Jan 26, 2007
Found under: bluetooth, manager, utilities, scan

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» btCrawler v1.0.3 Description
btCrawler is a simple bluetooth scanner for Windows Mobile based devices. It scans for other visible devices in range and can perform a service query. You can also query for services of your own device and do some selfdiagnostic stuff. In the device list: COD means "Class of Device" (see bluetooth specification for more info). In the output window, when the sdp services are listed, "ChId" means Channel ID, which is the RFCOMM Channel the service is listening on. It supports both, landscape and portrait screens. As of version 1.0 bluejacking and bluesnarfing is supported.


Start the .exe and simply press the Scan button to detect devices in range which are in "visible mode". After devices have been found just press the SDP button to query for services. You can query for own bluetooth profiles by pressing the SelfDiag button. That's it...

To activate bluesnarfing (Version >= 1.0 PPC only) create the following registry key:


Then create a new DWORD under this key:

ISC with the value of 1

After that start btCrawler and click on the "Transfer" button. You will then see a new button called "Bluesnarf".
If you have successfully bluesnarfed a phone the results are saved in a file in vCard format.
You can find a new file called "Bluesnarf.txt" in your root folder.

Phones I know to be vulnerable to bluesnarfing are:

Nokia 6310, 6310i (up to FW Vers. 5.51)
Nokia 8910, 8910i
SE T610 FW:R1A081
SE T630 FW:R4C003
SE T68i FW:R2B025
SE Z600 FW:R2E004
SE Z1010

NOTE: If you have Bluesnarfing enabled, be responsible. Use it for educational purposes only!
I can not be held responsible for anything you do with this code!!!.

the btCrawler v1.0.3 free for Pocket PC

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