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» MobilneStoki CZ

Rating: awaiting 3 votes
Summary: [PL]Zobacz warunki na stokach CZ, [EN]See conditions on the slopes CZ, [DE]Siehe Bedingungen auf der Piste CZ, [CZ]Viz podmínky na svazích CZ [SK]Pozri podmienky na svahoch CZ

Windows Mobile Pocket PC 5 , 6 , 6.1, 6.5
.Net CF 2.0
The program works on resolutions: 240x320, 480x640, and 480x800 only vertically
The program needs about 2-4MB of free RAM

Arrived: Dec 6, 2010
Found under: sport, database, gps, misc fun, navigation, travel, ski, snowboard,

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» MobilneStoki CZ Description
The program is designed to check the conditions on the slopes (snow) and the number of active extracts. The program has in its database 41 slopes Polish, 15 Czech and 11 Slovak in three separate programs. It also contains information about the slopes, such as telephone, email, website, photo cameras from the slope and map slope. The program was combined with navigation AutoMapa so when you select an address on the navigation software will guide the selected slope. In addition, SOS is added to the number (601100300 - Mountain Rescue, TOPR).
The program operates in five language versions, Polish, Czech, Slovak, German and English.
Partners : ,,,
Sponsor: Wanted

Program sluzy do sprawdzania warunków na stokach(grubosc pokrywy snieznej) oraz ilosc dzialajacych wyciagów. Program posiada w swojej bazie 41 stoków polskich, 15 czeskich oraz 11 slowackich w trzech osobnych programach. Zawiera równiez informacje o stoki takie jak : telefon, email, strona www, zdjecie kamery ze stoku oraz mapa stoku. Program zostal polaczony z nawigacja Automapa dzieki czemu po wybraniu adresu program nawigacyjny poprowadzi nad pod wybrany stok. Dodatkowo dodany jest numer S.O.S (601100300- Gopr , Topr).
Program dziala w 5 wersjach jezykowych Polskim, Czeskim , Slowackim, Niemieckim oraz Angielskim.
Partnerzy : ,,,
Sponsor: Poszukiwany

the MobilneStoki CZ free for Pocket PC

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